MacFarlane Endowed Distinguished Professor, Alumni Professor & Director

Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Positions


Sensors and microsystems are used in a variety of application in vehicles, aerospace systems and mechanical structures. Microsystems are undergoing a transformation with the emergence of new materials and manufacturing processes. Manufacturing processes are moving towards the use of additive printed methods for the fabrication of microsystems and sensors. The CAVE3 Labs at Auburn University are equipped with a full-array of additive printing machines for fabrication, non-destructive test machines for inspection of damage and failure progression in micro-structures, and sophisticated tools for reliability analysis. The position will involve studies on manufacturing, properties, and reliability. Student working on the project will work under supervision of Professor Lall as part of the Ph.D. degree program.


Interested students should apply with a CV and a cover email citing prior preparation or background, which would make them a good fit for the position. Email should be sent with subject “Lall-Group GRA Position” to the email –

#graduatestudents #university #research #GRA #students #mechanical #manufacturing #hiring