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Continuum Mechanics and Tensor Analysis
This course deals with cartesian and curvilinear tensor analysis, with applications to the mechanics of continuous media. Operations on tensors, canonical isomorphism, euclidean vector spaces, christoffel symbols, covariant and absolute derivatives, adjoint, differential operators are introduced in a rigorous and practical way. Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions, deformations, kinematics of continua, constitutive laws, principle of virtual work, and linear elasticity will be discussed.
Fundamentals of Finite-Element Method
This course focuses on developing a fundamental understanding of the finite element method. Concepts will be developed from variational methods, weak formulation, galerkin and other weighted-residual methods. Bar, beam, triangular, rectangular, isoparametric, plate and shell elements will be covered. Course Concepts will be applied to solution of one- and two-dimensional structural and boundary value problems. Computational aspects including element stiffness matrix, numerical integration, assembly of stiffness matrix, error estimation and convergence will be stressed rigorously.
Principles of Nano-Scale Mechanics
This course examines the mechanics of nano-scale phenomena. Theoretical concepts developed in the course will be applied to case studies based on experimental data in published literature. Case studies will include atomistic aspects of adhesion, nano-indentation, molecular details of fracture, elasticity of single macromolecular chains, intermolecular interactions in polymers, bio-molecular bond strength measurements, and molecular motors. Framework for multi-scale modeling will be developed using concepts from molecular dynamics, micro-continuum field theories and non-local continuum theories.
Energy Methods and Variational Mechanics
This course focuses on energy methods in solid mechanics. Emphasis will be placed on virtual work, stationary potential energy, variational calculus and elastic strain energy. Applications to bars, trusses, beams, frames and plates. Castigliano’s Theorem, Ritz Method and other Weighted-Residual Methods will be discussed.
Fundamentals of Bio-Mechanics: Trauma and Injury
This course integrates the fields of mechanics-and human injury using examples from biology and medicine. Students are exposed to the mechanical basis of musculoskeletal injury, causal mechanisms, effect of injury on musculoskeletal tissues, response and tolerance level of biological tissues under extreme loading conditions, anatomy, injury classification, injury mechanisms, injury criteria, and mechanical factors that influence the function and structure of human tissues.
Stress and strain concepts, stress-strain relationships, applications, uniaxially loaded members, torsion, normal and shear stresses in beams, beam deflections, buckling, stress concentration, combined loading, failure theories, strain energy, impact loading, cyclic loading.
Machine Design
This course focuses on design of various machine elements including threaded fasteners, power screws, rivets, welded and bonded joints, torsional and helical springs, lubrication and slide bearings, rolling element bearings, spur gears, helical gears, bevel gears, worm gears, shafts, clutches, brakes, flat belts and V-belts. Framework for designing machine elements for both overstress loads and repetitive loads is developed.
Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation
This two-part course examines the long term issues in new ventures, new product and process development that influence the competitiveness of the firm. The course uses the case-method of teaching and examines various topics including, origins of invention, innovation and competitive advantage, frameworks for analyzing the competitive landscape, influence of internet on innovation and competitive strategy, co-evolution of technology firms and markets, adaptive strategies, disruptive change, learning curve, patents, trademarks, copyrights, launching and defending platform standards, and acquiring technology through mergers and acquisitions. In addition, students have the opportunity of taking a business concept and assessing its feasibility and, through the development of a business plan. The exercise is intended to give students the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to create businesses that is customer centered and globally competitive.
Risk-Management, Hedging, Valuation of Technology Ventures
This course examines the different ways to value technology projects and investment options of firms engaging in highly competitive technology ventures. Valuation techniques discussed range from simple multiples through the more complex real options. Students are exposed to discounted cash-flow analysis, weighted average cost-of-capital, option valuation, hedging-risk, payoff diagrams, and impact of capital structure. The class is aimed at students who anticipate taking management positions in technology-intensive firms where they must formulate strategy.